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Thursday, 15 March 2012

So we are back for a short update for Day 3! Today we have got a lot of things done, all the sub-teams managed to close their first tickets. Well done Team!! The CRUD administration interface was completed, together with some nice templates and some authentication for the super users.  The QR team has also done some awesome code to generate and cache QR codes to be used to access the polls.
Some of the code has also been refactored to match our domain model, and most of the rich-text editing is now also complete! Nice work Frontend team!

Things to come: update to the HighCharts.js/Better Graphics for voting statistics, outphasing org.json and major API overhauls.

But so far, we have only been scratching the surface of the code, and the days to come will most likely be much more challenging as we venture deep into uncharted territory and perform an open heart surgery on the existing code to reach our ultimate 1st milestone: a stable service API.

Meanwhile, we are all pondering away on the choice of the future OpenARMS logo. Do you have a preference? Let us know in the comments!

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